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Mindbody Flow

Mon, Jun 14, 2021
12:00 pm CDT
Mon, Jun 14, 2021
12:20 pm CDT

During the Mindbody Flow event, you will learn how to move from the inside out to help with aging. You will also learn how to lessen stiffness and pain with flow and well-being.

Sensei Jonathan will be teaching this session. He is 56 years old and states that he is in his prime. He will teach you how to integrate your body, breath, and brain for a mindful event to help you navigate your day with less stress and more ease and flow.

This class is just 20 minutes 2x/week that will be held at noon. Each class consists of mindful, functional, healthy movement including stretching, joint mobility, strength training with bodyweight, and more.

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Monday, June 14, 2021
12:00 pm CDT