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Seattle Insight Meditation Society

Seattle Insight Meditation Society (SIMS) is a community lead by volunteers who offer the Buddha’s teachings on wisdom and compassion. SIMS encourages the possibility of liberation in our lives through meditation and daily practice. SIMS offers classes, Dharma talks, retreats and special events to support the development of mindfulness.
SIMS offers our favorite online meditation classes due to the inspiration and engagement of each leader. During a time like Covid-19, group meditation raises spirits by allowing you to interact with other people, see new faces and hear their thoughts. SIMS offers weekly morning and afternoon drop-in sits on Zoom that are suitable for all levels of experience in meditation. SIMS meditation classes provide you with the kind of experience that goes a long way in cutting down on isolation. Check out their calendar for a full listing of classes to see when you can join! No registration needed.

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