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Yamuna Zake, master teacher of body sustainability and founder of Yamuna has evolved her body sustainability brand from hands-on body work to a global brand consisting of over 450 certified practitioners. Over 2,000 holistic practitioners engage in Yamuna teacher training and workshops.
Yamuna is a leading source of education for fitness instructors, teachers and therapists looking to further their knowledge in BodySustainability.

Yamuna markets and sells a variety of exercises, and a Yamuna line of body rolling balls. Additionally, Yamuna produces a line of beauty blends, as well as therapeutic remedies which are distributed by spas, boutique studios and some department stores.

Yamuna is offering a variety of interesting online training in body sustainability classes, ranging from foot fitness, breath certification training, Yamuna yoga and body rolling!

Foot fitness will focus on how to strengthen your feet and solve common foot problems. Breath work classes will teach you how to improve and increase lung and breathing capacity and function and teach you how to extend this knowledge to others. Yoga classes will include basic breath work using the Yamuna balls and how to combine breath in Yoga practice. Lastly, body rolling will focus on how to use the Yamuna body rolling balls properly.

If you are interested in any of the classes mentioned above, check out their training schedule. Classes are not free, the cost varies. All classes require registration

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