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TechGirlz is a nonprofit dedicated to providing free classes, workshops, and summer programs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) for Middle School age girls. With fun and interactive hands-on lessons, TechGirlz strives not just to provide information but to encourage passion and confidence in tech from a young age.
Their free workshops are currently online and cover 50 topics, including coding, movie editing, cybersecurity, and more. They also provide workshop plans for instructors, which include workshop plans, documents, and guides in lessons that range from basic to advanced. The TechGirlz website also provides resources for running a summer camp in topics such as cartography, biotech, and virtual reality among others.

So far TechGirlz has had 5,000 workshop attendees and have had their lesson plans taught in 20 countries. It’s never too early to encourage a passion for STEM!

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